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AI Tool: Aptori

Application SecurityAptori offers AI-powered application security testing and API security solutions, with an emphasis on proactive API security and business logic testing.
Semantic ReasoningAptori creates a semantic model of an application's API to generate and execute API tests autonomously, with the aim of identifying business logic flaws and preventing vulnerabilities.
AI-Powered Test AutomationThis AI tool enables continuous risk assessment, performance testing, and launch confidence through powered test automation. Artificial Intelligence.
Integration into the Software Development CycleAptori integrates seamlessly into the software development cycle, ensuring that applications and APIs remain secure and compliant during all stages of development and deployment.
Prevent Business Logic DefectsAptori technology makes it easy to efficiently identify and prevent business logic defects before production release.
Main Features of AptoriKey features include API security testing, business logic testing, semantic reasoning technology, AI-powered test automation, and continuous risk assessment.

Explore Aptori, the innovative solution in AI-powered application security specialized API security testing y business logic tests. With technology from semantic reasoningAptori continually improves the security of your applications. Easily integrate AI-powered test automation in the software development cycle for constant risk assessment and a high level of confidence in releases.

Visit Aptori to strengthen your security and privacy measures with a AI tool of Vanguard.

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